When are my items due?


See a complete list of loan period on our borrowing information page.

You can see a complete list of what you have checked out through your online account.  Staff can also help you find your due dates in person at a service desk in the library, or over the phone at 785-843-3833.  Make sure to have your library card number handy.

To view your checked out items through your online account

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. On the menu, click Checked Out.

Titles listed on the Checked Out page are displayed in order of due date, so overdue items are listed first, with the due date in red.

There’s a button at the bottom of each checked out item you can use to add the title to your In Progress shelf. Click the arrow next to the button to choose either your For Later or Completed shelf.

Once you have returned a title, it will no longer appear on this page. However, if you rated it, the title will appear on your Completed shelf.

In addition, if you have enabled the Borrowing History feature, all returned titles will appear on your Borrowing History page, so you can keep track of what you’ve borrowed.


  • Last Updated Jun 10, 2024
  • Views 4
  • Answered By Jeff

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